QEDSDK Documentation for IOS

The IOS QEDSDK provides a set of convenience instance types aimed to ease and shorten the development time for the usage of the QED REST API.

The main type is the QEDAPI class, which is a wrapper over the functionality of the QED REST API. The QEDFile defines the representation of a data file to be reported to and notarized by the QED REST API. The QEDReport defines a representation of a group of QEDFile‘s that want to be joinly notarized as a common report. The QEDAPI class receives and returns report representations using the QEDReport struct.

Two more convenience types are provided which are optional to use:

  • The QEDModel provides a set of convenience methods to aid on persisting and retrieving a data model to/from local storage.
  • The QEDMediaCaptureAndPlayViewController provides in a simple interface, the necessary functionality to play and capture videos and photos. You can use this view controller out of the box if your application is meant for media capturing for notarization.
  • The QEDUserProperties represents user information inclduing email, phone and mailing list subscriptions

Getting Started

Add the SDK to your project

Cocoa Pods

  1. To integrate QEDSDK for iOS into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    platform :ios, '11.0'
        pod 'QEDSDK'
  2. Then, run the following command:

    $ pod install


  1. Drag QEDSDK.framework to the Embedded Binaries section in the General tap of your project’s main target. Check Copy items if needed and choose to Create groups. Drag to Embedd

  2. Add a new Run Script Phase in your target’s Build Phases.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure this Run Script Phase is below the Embed Frameworks build phase. You can drag and drop build phases to rearrange them.

    Paste the following line in this Run Script Phase’s script text field:

    bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/QEDSDK.framework/ios-strip-frameworks.sh" QEDSDK

    Build Phases

  3. (Ignore if your project is a Swift only project) - Set the Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries setting in your targets Build Settings to YES

    Allways Embed Swift

Get your API Key

In order to use the QEDSDK, you must obtain an API Key. Please get in contact: [email protected].

Quick Launch

  1. Open your AppDelegate file and import the QEDSDK.

    import QEDSDK
  2. Copy the lines below and paste them into your AppDelegate’s application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method

    QEDAPI.setup(with: "YOUR_API_KEY")
  3. Prepare a QEDFile representing a local data file to be reported and notarized. Create a QEDFile instance. You can instantiate with the name and extension of a file that you have locally stored on the QEDFile.qedDirectory root url.

    var file = QEDFile(name: "FILE_NAME", extension: "FILE_EXTENSION", dateTaken: Date())!
  4. Prepare a QEDReport representing a group of files to be reported and notarized. Create a QEDReport instance. You can instantiate with the name and add the files associated with the report.

    var report = QEDReport(name: "REPORT_NAME")!
    report.files = [file]
  5. Calculate the SHA256 hash of the report if not done yet.

    report = report.withCalculatedHash()
  6. Using the QEDAPI class methods to interact with the QED REST API server, issue a report to the backend for notarization

    QEDAPI.send(report) { (updatedReport, error) in
        // Make sure to perform UI update related actions on main thread
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard error == nil else {
                // Handle reporting errors. The `error` instance will
                // include detailed information.
            // Handle success. Update your data source and UI accordingly.
            // `updatedReport` contains a copy of `report` with an updated `proofStatus`
  7. You can check periodically for status updates until report is QEDReport.ProofStatus.confirmed

    QEDAPI.forceStatusUpdate(report) { (updatedReport, error) in
        // Make sure to perform UI update related actions on main thread
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard error == nil else {
                // Handle reporting errors. The `error` instance will
                // include detailed information.
            // Handle success. Update your data source and UI accordingly.
            // `updatedReport` contains a copy of `report` with an updated
            // `proofStatus`
  8. Once the QEDReport status is QEDReport.ProofStatus.confirmed, you can request a PDF certificate from backend

    QEDAPI.generatePDF(for: report) { (success, error) in
        // Make sure to perform UI update related actions on main thread
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            guard success, error == nil else {
                // Handle pdf generation errors. The `error` instance will
                // include detailed information.
            // Handle success. Update your data source and UI accordingly.
            // The PDF proof document is now stored in the `pdfURL` of
            // the requested `report`